FilamentPHP: Add "Select all" to Select Component

Add a "select all" button to let users select all options.

FilamentPHP: Add "Select all" to Select Component

April 27, 2024

If you need to select all options in a Multi-Select Form Component, you can achieve this easily by adding a 'hint' action.

    ->label(__('Select all'))
    ->action(fn (Forms\Components\Select $component) => $component->state(array_keys($component->getOptions())))

The final component should look this

        '1' => 'Laravel Hive',
        '2' => 'FilamentPHP',
        '3' => 'Laravel',
        ->label(__('Select all'))
        ->action(fn (Forms\Components\Select $component) => $component->state(array_keys($component->getOptions())))

When you view your form, you will see a 'Select all' button next to the label.